West Montreal Readaptation Centre (WMRC) is delighted to announce two very special donations towards its new respite home.
The Taylor-Birks Foundation and WMRC offer their heartfelt thanks to theBeaconsfield Men’s Slo-Pitch League for donating the proceeds of its annual charity tournament to the Building Hope campaign – and to no fewer than four local members of the National Assembly for matching that donation!
“This is an excellent example of private donors and the government working hand in glove to meet a huge need for respite right in our own backyard,” said Gary Whittaker, chairman of WMRC and the Building Hope campaign.
“Thanks to our local MNAs and to all our other contributors for their generosity.”
The MNAs who have joined forces to match the league’s $5,000 are
Yolande James, Minister of Family and MNA for Nelligan
Geoffrey Kelley, MNA for Jacques-Cartier
Pierre Marsan, MNA for Robert-Baldwin and
François Ouimet, MNA for Marquette.
“We applaud the efforts of the Beaconsfield Men’s Slo-Pitch League for their involvement and $5,000 donation to the respite home,” said Mr. Kelley.
“Their support of this important community project will help children with disabilities and their families by providing the children with specialized services adapted to their needs, while their parents gain time to rest and take care of their other responsibilities.”
The Eleanor Côté House, located on Elm Avenue in Beaconsfield, will welcome six children with an intellectual disability or autism at any one time. Many have behavioural problems that have shut them out from other sources of respite.
A model of public-private partnership, the home:
- is being financed by donations received by the Taylor-Birks Foundation
- is being built by Centre Marc Vanier, a not-for-profit property management company
- will be operated by WMRC on its own land as a public service to support families in its territory.
“We have identified a unique opportunity in assisting an organization like the Eleanor Côté House in our own backyard,” said Neil Hogan, chairman of the charity tournament.
“This project also hits very close to home in that we have a league member whose daughter has autism and has been unable to access reliable respite services. This home offers tremendous hope for them and many other families.”
The facility will be named the Eleanor Côté House in recognition of the campaign’s principal donor, the Eleanor Côté Foundation. For over five decades, Mrs. EleanorCôté has been a tireless volunteer and community organizer for the West Island, and for people with an intellectual disability.
Currently, $900,000 of the $1 million needed to build the respite home have been secured. View its progress by clicking here
To find out more, please contact the Taylor-Birks Foundation at 8000 Notre-Dame, Lachine (QC) H8R 1H2 or at 514 363-3025, ext. 2208.
Photo caption (from left to right): Ian Moodie and Gary Whittaker of the Taylor-Birks Foundation accept a cheque from MNA Geoffrey Kelley and BMSP representatives Neil Hogan and Bill Howe.