To donate online to Eleanor Côté Home or the foundation’s next project, please visit Canada Helps or write to:
Taylor-Birks Foundation
2475 St. Patrick Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3K 1B3
If you would like to donate equipment, please e-mail WMRC.
To donate online to Eleanor Côté Home or the foundation’s next project, please visit Canada Helps or write to:
Taylor-Birks Foundation
2475 St. Patrick Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3K 1B3
Jacques Nolin
Frank Vincelli
Lenore Vosberg
D.G. Ex-Officio member;
Blair Tisshaw
Head Office;
2473 rue Saint-Patrick
Montreal, QC
H3K 1B3
phone (514) 938-2352
fax (514) 938-4721
Our partners;
Centre Marc Vanier
Fondation Yvon Lamarre
Charitable Registration;
11892 5296 RR0001
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